Archive for ‘Brain Work-Out’

November 22, 2011

Out Of The Box Thinking

Also known as Thinking Out Of The Box.  How many of us have heard of this phrase?  For sure, a lot; to the point that it has become so trite, if you ask me,  it is actually on the brink of losing its meaning and joining the roster of obsolete buzz words.

Since I have no better alternatives in mind, indulge me to label this post as that for the time being.

Many of us have been so used to thinking within the confines of what is known as possible and normal.  To prove my point, consider the attached two (2) simple brain teasers. Brain Teasers.ppt  Try your best and if all things fail … look up the answer.  Let me know how you did. 🙂 

Challenge possibilities. Bend rules.